A county I would like to visit

I would like to visit Spaim to go to the protests against bullfighting is a very popular and cruel activity. In this "fun" activity Every year between 8,700 and 12,000 bulls die

I would like to live there for a while to actively participate in the protests, plus I could enjoy new food and famus architeture because is very interesting

Although i do not agree with many spanish customs, I find its history very interesting  since in Latin America history begins with the arrival of the colonizers and therefore is not as extensive as Spanish history.
I like that after visiting Spain for a while I am given the opportunity to go to Italy because they are relatively close, I relly like italian, it is culture and architectecture, plus Italian people are known for being friendly
Once the "turism" is ready, I would like to live in Italy because I had the pleace as romanticized as some people have romanticized France


  1. Hi Micka, I think your reason to visit Spain is honorable, I really like it

  2. Hi Micka, Spain is a really cool country, but bullfighting is a bit sad and scary.

  3. Wow, Micka, I admire U. I would also like to go Spain to participate in the protest against animal cruelty :(

  4. Hi Micka, bullfighting is really horrible, it is nice that you want to participate in the protests against this activity


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